Monday 14 December 2015


Almost all cultures around the world believe and accept the fact that the month a person is born in greatly affects their characteristic traits and even shapes their personality. The month a baby is born in says a lot about a child and it also helps the parents to understand the baby’s distinguishing attributes and traits.
Here we briefly explain what your baby’s birth month says about him or her.

It is believed that children born in this month age backwards. They tend to look younger by the day. They are capable enough to take responsibility even as kids. They are exceptional baby sitters and can be good monitors and responsible siblings. They have excellent leadership qualities even as a kid. They grow up to be hard working and smart. They are neat freak and organized. They enjoy studying as much as they enjoy playing. They have a high attention span and are usually quiet.
Kids born in January are resistant to many illnesses but some studies state that people born in January are more prone to Alzheimer’s and Epilepsy

Kids born in the month of February are known to be independent, smart and quick witted. They are innovative yet very practical in nature. They are reserved and shy, hence sometimes they can be misunderstood as uncaring and indifferent. Their hard working nature can sometimes make them a little aggressive. Kids born in this month are also very temperamental. They can also be very stubborn and throw a lot of tantrums. They are more inclined to be artists.
People born in February are more prone to have sleep disorders. They are also prone to have lung disease.

Kids born in the month of March are highly creative. They are more inclined to be athletes and artists – any field that helps them to explore and expose their artistic urges. Even though these kids are shy and reserved they are extremely affectionate and compassionate. They are also known as one of the most intuitive people. They are peace lovers, honest and trust worthy. Even though they are peaceful, do not take them for granted. They do not forgive and forget easily. They are easily hurt and take ample time to get over things.
Kids born in March are more prone to heart diseases and may even have a deficiency of Vitamin D

Kids born in the month of April grow up to be great leaders and risk takers. They are highly competitive in nature and enjoy participating in sports and competitions. Their only minus point is that they lose interest quickly. They are very kind even as a kid, generous, loving and good natured. These kids are also every funny and enthusiastic. They have a very chirpy and bubble personality. They enjoy communication and are very talkative.
It is believed that kids born in April enjoy partaking alcohol and they might even have eating disorders in the future

Children born in the month of May are highly reliable and strong willed. They value relationships and friendships and tend to make lasting bonds with people they like and love. They are big time foodies and enjoy the finer things in life. They are more inclined towards travelling and reading. They can be easily influenced as well. They are imaginative, dreamers and enjoy attention. They also get angry very easily and are known to be spend-thrifts.
According to a study conducted by the University of Columbia people born in the month of May are unlikely to suffer from chronic illnesses

Children born in the month of June grow up be to great entertainers. They are very expressive and animated in nature. They express emotions through writing and painting. They are also very witty and have an impeccable sense of humor. Hence they make excellent actors, comedians, writers and artists. They are hyperactive and hence they can be a handful as children. They are approachable, very friendly and extremely talkative as well.
It is believed that children born in June are prone to have vision problems

Kids born in July are the eccentric of the lot. They are extremely emotional people and take a long time to recover. They are family oriented people and are very friendly. People born in July can be quite difficult to crack because of their volatile emotions and extreme mood swings but they are trustworthy and forgive easily. They are also very sympathetic in nature and are highly optimistic.
It said that kids born in July are prone to depression and asthma

Kids born in August are extremely smart. They are major attention seekers and more often than not turn out be spoilt brats if parents are extra lenient. These kids throw tantrums often can get very dramatic and animated if not given the desired attention. They are exceptionally self confident, graceful and generous. They can get a little rebellious and are not good at following instructions

September kids are very intelligent and have very good memory. They love adventure sports and travelling. They are generally private people they do not believing in expressing emotions and talking about their feeling. They are also very judgmental and critical in nature. Sometimes they can get a little secretive as well. September kids are honest, kind and trustworthy, nonetheless

Kids born in October are go – getters. If they want something they will work persistently to achieve their goals. They are extremely charming and can sweep you off your feet. They are playful in nature and make friends easily. At times they can be a little opinionated and short tempered but it doesn’t last long. They are tactful and diplomatic and make excellent CEO’s in the future.
October born babies can be quite prone to asthma, and they are at the highest risk for diseases. However, the risk for developing cardiovascular diseases is the lowest for October born babies

Kids born in November are very passionate and career oriented. They enjoy being independent and have good decision making ability. They are social and friendly. They tend to lose confidence easily and are also temperamental. They are extremely trustworthy and loyal and won’t betray anyone who trusts them, under any circumstances. They enjoy quizzes and puzzles and are also very good at math.
It is believed that children born in November do not fall sick often and even if they do, they recover quickly

Kids born in this month are essentially day dreamers. They are highly ambitious and imaginative at the same time. They are friendly, optimistic and enthusiastic in nature. They adapt quickly and make friends anywhere and anytime. They are approachable and can make you spill all your secrets. They are loyal and very patriotic and can also get very competitive at times.
It is believed that kids born in December are more prone to common cold and flU....... SOURCE

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