Thursday 12 November 2015


Whether it is a soccer mom or a office-going lady, work is unavoidable. It becomes even more difficult for pregnant women to manage work and take care of themselves at such a critical situation. Working women find it hard to manage work during pregnancy, due to the changes their bodies are going through at this period. Though pregnancy is beautiful, it comes with its own set of challenges which are unavoidable. Morning sickness, mood swings, headaches and other pains are not scheduled with your office hours. They can happen at any time of the day. If you have chosen to work during pregnancy then you may want to know few things beforehand. The decision you have taken to work while pregnancy is not impractical, if you play by the rules of the game. Many women have chosen to continue with their professional lives while expecting and have succeeded at it.
Here are some tips to guide you with work during pregnancy
The 10 Do’s When Working During Pregnancy
Snack Often: You will feel starving most of the time throughout the day, as your body is providing for you and your baby. So do bring enough small snacks with you, which will last you all day. Bring fruits, dry fruits, meals, salads etc. and eat time to time.
Stay Hydrated: Keep your body hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water. Bring bottled water from home, which is clean and filtrated. Drink water often. You can also have fresh fruit juices
Take Breaks: Do take frequent breaks and avoid working continuously for hours. Walk around for five or ten minutes and continue with you work with fresh mind
Exercise Daily: Hectic office schedules do not allow time for fitness so you must so have some fitness activity planned for yourself. It could be as simple as taking a walk twice a day. If you like, you can indulge in yoga and light exercises, which can be done during pregnancy. A little activity will make you more energetic and refreshed at work
Never Skip The Vitamins Do take your medicine and supplements on time. Doctors prescribe supplements and medicine for you during pregnancy, which need to be taken on specific times and are vital for your and the baby’s health. If you find it difficult to remember, you can opt for alarms in your mobile phones. Let technology be put to some god use
Talk and Discuss: Pregnancy can be overwhelming with so much going on with your body and the brain. There could be 1000’s of questions running in your mind regarding pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, and your career. Take guidance of your colleagues who have earlier chosen to work while pregnancy. Talk your apprehensions out, and take cues on what the days are going to be like in future
Accept Help: Even if you like being a super hero, when pregnant, it would be wise to accept help. Small chores that do not need your immediate attention can be done by your spouse. A colleague could take you to office with him. A friend can offer assistance in shopping. Do take help from your spouse and friends. People happily offer help to expecting women so take benefit from it
Plan Your Maternity Leave: Do discuss about your maternity leave to the concerned authority at office or work. Make plans about how you will utilize this period for you and your newborn’s care. If you think you will need some more time with your baby, check with the office if it has provisions for prolonged maternity leave
Chart A Timetable: Working and pregnancy will mean that you will have both your hands full. Multiple activities can be addressed by maintaining a time table. Do have a timetable to include all the activities in your schedule. A timetable will help you follow a healthy regime
Never Skip A Prenatal Checkups: Prenatal appointments are critical as they check the progress of the pregnancy and the baby. Also, prenatal tests evaluate any complications that may need immediate redressal. Do make time to attend all your prenatal health checkups.Make sure that you do not miss any of them

The 10 Dont’s When Working During Pregnancy
Avoid Stress: Do not stress yourself with work. No matter what, keep stress at bay and try to be organised so as to avoid unpleasant times at work. Try to have limited tasks, which you can do without stressing out much
Stay Grounded: Even if you think you can, never lift heavy things or move a lot at work. Some women have habit to jump around desks at site of their bosses, do not do that. Be careful when you are walking down the stairs, or are on a escalator. Walk with slower pace
Change Your Positions: Don’t sit for hours at one place. Jobs that require computer work need continuous sitting in front of bright screens is not good for your posture and baby’s growth. Stretch your arms, back and legs every few minutes. Instead of using the phone, walk towards your colleagues’ desk if you have some work. Avoid sitting at one place, take small strolls around your cubical and relax
Stay Away From Unhealthy Habits: You must have heard this a 100 times, yet, we will say this again. Don’t smoke; do not drink coffee. Offices are equipped with coffee machines, which serve decent coffee, but as you are pregnant cut down nicotine intake to zero and avoid coffee. Stay away from aerated drinks and liquor as well
Dress Comfortable:Don’t get too fashion sensitive and try tight clothing. Avoid getting too overwhelmed by body changes – pregnancy is a different time and you need to respect that. Wear what makes you feel comfortable and designed to wear while pregnancy
Don’t wear heals Walking on heels need to have a balance of body on the feet. A trip here and lo! The last thing you want is to trip on your heels when you are expecting. So don’t even think of heels at work or at any place. Go with flats and comfortable footwear
Avoid Late Nights: Pregnancy often results in sleep deprivement. Add to that corporate parties that you must attend as per the protocols. If saying ‘no’ is not an option, try to be back early. Don’t drink alcohol at office parties. Steer clear from too much of crowds
Don’t forget to wear a seat belt: Whether you are driving yourself or are being driven to work, make sure the seat belt is always fastened. You have to take proper cautions while traveling to office, make sure you travel safely
Avoid Chemicals: Some professions require continuous exposure to chemicals that can be harmful during pregnancy. For example, if you are a beautician, avoid the smell of nail paints and hair color. Don’t do any such work, which exposes you to harmful substances
Stay Off Work If Required: Don’t work if your health care provider says so. Pregnancies are not always easy for everyone. If your doctor suggests that working will cause complications to you, then avoid working when you are pregnant

When you continue to work when expecting, you do not get to enjoy homely settings, where things can be manages at ease. Offices are not equipped with everything that you may need, so it is very important to be prepared. By now, you already know what the needs of a pregnant woman are. So try to look after them at work as you have taken care of yourself at home

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