Monday 30 November 2015


Thinking about getting pregnant again? Especially after a C-section? Whether earlier you had a vaginal birth or c –section, a proper gap between two pregnancies is very essential and the most important part is understanding the importance as to why doctors recommend a pregnancy spacing specifically after C-section. Let us discuss the factors that you must consider before you decide to conceive again.
How Long Should I Wait For A Second Baby After A C-section?

Normally, the medically recommended time frame that you should wait for before conceiving after C Section is at least 6 months. An year’s gap is even better. Most of the time doctors advise the same amount of time frame for women who give birth vaginally. This waiting period acts as a healing phase for your scars or tears that you have developed at the time of delivery. Actually this time frame is the most vital part for proper recovery. The extended the time given to your body for healing can make it much stronger and healthier especially if you would like to try giving birth vaginally for your next baby. Even if you do not have plans for a vaginal delivery, it is worth waiting for at least an year so that the scar has healed and your body has recovered from the previous C-section.
How Does Waiting For A Longer Period For My Second Pregnancy Help Me?
To heal enough: May be for you the recommended 12- 18 months wait can appear a very long time. But honestly, delivering a healthy baby takes a toll on mother’s body; you lose a lot of nutrients -and to stock up them once again your body requires time. Also, in majority of the C-section deliveries women loose more blood as compared to those who deliver vaginally which often leaves them at border line from being an anemic
To evade health risks: There are many researches which supports the fact that getting pregnant too soon after C-section can expose expectant mothers to various health complications. For instance, giving birth too soon can be a cause of ruptured uterus and can put them at risk of having high chances of premature birth. There are also some risks of delivering babies who have low birth weight
You can plan better: Planning a better life and a better future without adding any major health risk to yourself is always a win-win situation. This eighteen months waiting period can provide you enough time to plan ahead while giving you ample time to relax, heal and enjoy the motherhood period with your current baby. You can plan the next one at the most apt time
To restore health: The nine months of pregnancy and breast-feeding your baby afterwards can drain the stock of your essential nutrients, such as iron and folate. If in case you become pregnant again after short span of time especially before replacing those nutrients, it could affect your health or your baby’s health


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