Thursday 12 November 2015


Finding the right kind of baby bottles and nipples for your baby should be simple right? If you believe so then think again.
 For most of the parents it’s a challenging search hunt which involves elimination of different type of bottles till you find the one which your baby approves. Ultimately it will be the choice of your baby, so be ready to try different ones as you won’t know which your baby will like until he tries it.
Here we are providing some important information that will help you in selecting the right kind of bottles and nipples for your baby.

How To Select The Right Nipple For My Baby?

Please keep in mind that in majority of the cases regarding nipples and bottles –baby is the decision maker, it’s your baby who will decide the right kind of nipple and bottle for him, you are just a buyer, so it’s best to buy different types of bottles such as angled top or drop in insert belonging to different brand names. The first step for buying the right nipple is to see which nipple your baby can adapt most easily. Once it’s decided, you can go ahead with the selection of the bottles and bottle accessories you need.
While buying the nipple – shape, size and speed of flow are most important things to match with your baby’s suckling, so it’s vital to tryout the different types to find the right one.
Material of the nipple: Nipples are usually made of latex or silicone.
Latex nipples: are soft, good for embracing the stench of milk and are more supple but they have one drawback as well- they are likely to wear our more quickly. Also in some cases babies are found to be allergic towards them
Silicone nipple: are stronger instead of soft due to which their life is much longer as compared to the latex nipple. They are easier to clean as they tend to hold their shape and makes it possible for us to clean them properly
Sizes of Nipples: It’s important to determine the right size of hole for your baby’s nipple as securing a wrong size may cause too rapid or too sluggish flow of milk. The baby can also swallow too much air while sucking and this can make him a colicky. The size of the hole is the important factor which decides the flow of milk for your baby and nipples usually comes with the labeled sizes –
Size one: are for newborns up to the age of 6 months. They usually have very small hole particularly designed for the need of your baby
Size two: are for babies who are older than months and have larger hole in it to suit their needs
Special nipples: There are a few special nipples designed for preterm babies so if your baby was born early then manufactures have also taken care of it
Disposable nipples: If you are travelling and know you would not be able to clean the nipples, your best pick would be to stock on disposable nipples. You can discard them after one use
Shape of Nipple: The perfect nipple will let the few drops of milk to fall out when the bottle is turned upside down and after that flow should stop. Make sure that the flow of milk for your baby is appropriate. If you think that your baby is sucking too hard or the flow is too much that he is spluttering the milk out then it means you should change the size of nipple from what you have already chosen for your baby.
Dome shaped: Usually most of the nipples are of dome shape and are easily available. They are also known as standard nipples or traditional nipples
Orthodontic nipples: They are asymmetrical in shape and are specially designed according to shape of your baby’s mouth- arched top, rounded lip rest in middle and wider at the bottom. The special design of this nipple is famous for reducing the amount of air your baby takes in while he is taking his feeding
Flat topped nipples: If you intend to alternate between the breast and the bottle, then flat topped nipples may be a good choice as they feel more like mother’s breasts

Though babies largely decide which bottle and nipple they would like to drink from, you will have to check for the cleaning and small parts that they are comprised of.


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