Tuesday 17 November 2015


It’s a common concern to watch young kids eat mud, chalks, plaster from wall, sand and other such dirt or rather ‘inedible items’. We are aware that such stuffs house bountiful of harmful bacteria, virus, worms and other parasites. No matter how hard you try to explain, the warning will fall on deaf ears. Your child may start putting things in mouth when no one is looking. You are worried to the core about toxins and bacteria affecting your kid, whilst your child relishes the taste. Read below to find out why kids eat dirt and how can you prevent this.
Why Do Toddlers Eat Dirt?

It is developmentally appropriate for young kids to put everything they come across in their mouths. They are exploring, are very curious and their sense of smell and taste leads them around. Usually, kids would defer from eating dirt again if they dislike the taste. However sometimes it’s not just the taste but also the texture that tempts kids to put things in mouth. After all kids know nothing about bacteria or viruses, they will do things just to please themselves. As kids grow up, this problem resolves on its own paired with your constant guidance. However, this habit becomes a concern when kids continue to eat dirt and other things during their primary school years. This disorder is called Pica or Geophagy and may be related to nutritional deficiency of calcium, iron or zinc in the body. Malnutrition is another condition which may induce craving for non-food items.
The kids develop irresistible urge to eat these inedible items. Pica is quite common in young kids up to the age of 6 and also in pregnant women. For kids, this may be an indicator of developmental disorders such as mental retardation or autism.

Kids tend to put various non food items in their mouths, owing to their curiosity and exploring nature. However, a kid with Pica would actually tend to have cravings for non food items, which other kids would outgrow with time and age. Between the ages of 1-6 years, 10% to 30% of kids are likely to develop this eating disorder.

The word pica has been derived from the Latin name of a magpie – which is widely known for its strange eating behavior. Pica has been found to be most common in children who have some kind of disability in development – autism, retardation,or even a brain injury. Not only kids, Pica can also be a problem for pregnant women and those with epilepsy.
Hazards of Eating Dirt For Children

Eating inedible stuff such as hair, sand or bird dropping may lead to gastrointestinal problems. There is an increased risk of such stuff blocking and harming the intestines. Nowadays, the soil is chemically contaminated, sprayed with insecticides and pesticides, loaded with bacteria even those from manure and sewage along with pet feces and worms. It may lead to various infections and even food poisoning. Continuous ingestion may lead to constipation, abdominal pain, vomiting, loss of appetite and diarrhea.

Toxocariasis – a condition which may lead to loss of vision, flare epilepsy or asthma, is caused by Toxacora worms found in the feces of dogs and cats which can easily find their way in soil.


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