Wednesday 11 November 2015


Hillary Clinton is not buying Donald Trump’s plan to ‘make America great again.’ The Donald really thinks that it’s feasible to deport 11 million illegal immigrants, something that Hillary called “absurd while live-tweeting along with the GOP debate on November 10. Tell ’em, Hill!
During the fourth Republican debate on November 10, Donald Trump, 69, was given a taste of his own medicine, courtesy of Hillary Clinton, 68 about one of his loudest point. Hillary chimed in on Twitter to let her followers — including those Spanish-speaking — how crazy it is that he thinks dealing with illegal immigration means deporting 11 million people and sending them “home.” Click through to see her tweet!

“The idea that the US will deport 11 million people is absurd. We should not be in the business of tearing families apart. #GOPdebate,” Hillary tweeted, immediately following it with the Spanish translation. “Más posturas absurdas del Partido ReTrumplicano—no vamos a deportar a 11 milliones de personas. No vamos a separar a familias. #GOPdebate.”

Dare you to go up against Hillary, Donald! The democratic frontrunner is clearly passionate about this subject. Illegal immigration is a topic that has gotten Trump in trouble from the very beginning of his presidential campaign, when he first decided to call latinos “rapists and murderers.” His racist comments were combined with a plan to build a yoooooge wall to keep Mexicans out of the United States, and a proposal to “round up” the purported 11 million illegal immigrants living in the states, and send them home.

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